Exposing Socio-Economic Gaps in Swedish Schools

Skolkartan, a tool by Datastory and Berättarministeriet, maps socio-economic gaps in Swedish schools, offering insights.

Exposing Socio-Economic Gaps in Swedish Schools

Skolkartan," a tool created by Berättarministeriet and Datastory, identifies, maps, and analyzes socio-economic disparities in Swedish schools. This powerful tool provides a clear overview of the socio-economic conditions in schools across Sweden, helping to highlight inequalities and support efforts to create a more equitable education system.


Berättarministeriet faced the challenge of understanding and addressing the varying socio-economic conditions of schools across Sweden. They needed a comprehensive way to identify areas where educational resources were lacking and where students were at a disadvantage.


Datastory provided a solution through its powerful data visualization platform. Utilizing official school statistics from Skolverket, Datastory transformed complex data tables into an intuitive, visual format. The 'Skolkartan' tool presents a detailed, user-friendly map that allows stakeholders to explore key metrics such as school results, development, student-teacher ratios, and more, for every school in Sweden.


The launch of Skolkartan in the Swedish Riksdag has empowered teachers, parents, policymakers, and journalists with critical insights into the educational landscape of Sweden. This tool has made it easier to pinpoint where support is most needed, thus facilitating more informed decision-making and fostering a more equitable educational environment. It represents a significant step towards leveling the playing field for students in socio-economically challenged areas.
